5 Things to know before sowing soybean this year
29 June 2022, New Delhi: It is essential to know these 5 important points before you plan to start soybean sowing this year. This will drastically improve your production and reduce your cost of cultivation.
- Seed Purchase
If you buy seeds that give low yield, you will receive low production despite spending on fertilizer and other inputs. High production increases input cost. But it is also important to know that if you want high production of soybean, you should use high yielding variety. There will be increase in production cost but you will get higher yield.
- Seed treatment
Seeds are usually treated by chemicals by the seed companies these days. Still you should not take your chances and must do seed treatment 24 hours before sowing. This will help increase germination percentage and protect seed from seed borne and soil borne diseases.
- Sowing time
Since most of the farmers depend of rainfall for sowing soybean in kharif, it is suggested to check weather updates regularly. Farmers should only sow soybean after 4 inch of rainfall in your area. This will provide it enough moisture to have good germination.
- Weed Management
Weed can reduce the crop production by 20 percent and more. It is important to remove weeds on time so as to save your crop. You can do this by manual labour or by agrochemicals available in the market. You can also do mechanical weeding with the help of tractor and implements.
- Disease and infestation management
It is essential to know what’s happening in every corner of your soybean cropping area. To know this, it is essential that you walk across your agriculture field every seven days in order to know the exact crop condition. Do not leave your land to be monitored by labour. Use both preventive and curative spraying of insecticides and fungicides to keep a control on infestations.
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