Crop Protection

UPL Celebrates Global Stewardship Day with Focus on Community and Industry

09 June 2022, Pennsylvania: The United Nations’ World Environment Day, held annually on June 5, is the largest global platform for environmental outreach and, for agriculture, a time to take stock and recommit to practices that ensure proactive stewardship of the environment. UPL, a global leader in sustainable agriculture solutions, annually commemorates the global celebration with its own UPL Product Stewardship Day.

Each of UPL’s global business regions creates an educational base for customers and employees to share details of their product technologies and best practices for their use, to support not only product stewardship but also activities that promote agriculture and sustainability.

Today at the UPL OpenAg Center in Research Triangle Park, NC, employees and their families celebrate with the community at a “Welcome the Bees” event, learning about the importance of insect pollinators at the installation of beehives outside UPL’s global research facility.

“Our business focus of reimagining sustainability takes us on a daily journey of practicing and promoting product stewardship from inception in the lab to use in the field, and also promoting and talking about ways we can reduce our environmental footprint in our daily business and in the communities in which we live,” says Natalie Hummel, UPL Global Head of New Ag Technology. Hummel adds that UPL’s stewardship focus brings together initiatives across the product life spectrum, from identifying innovative, sustainable technology in the R&D phase to educational initiatives that promote responsible use of crop protection products with customers to environmentally friendly container management and disposal.

“The creation of UPL’s Natural Plant Protection (NPP) business unit, which champions biologically derived agriculture inputs and technologies, is one example of how UPL is focusing its R&D and industry partnerships on bringing sustainable solutions to the forefront,” Hummel says. “At the other end of the spectrum, our partnership with the Ag Container Recycling Council (ACRC) helps enable a sustainable solution to recycle thousands of plastic agriculture containers every year.”

UPL is a member company of ACRC, an organization that safely recycles agricultural crop protection, animal health and specialty pest control product containers. More than 226 million pounds of agricultural plastics have been recycled through the program since 1992.

Through its OpenAg purpose, UPL is delivering differentiated solutions and engaging industry stakeholders to address the challenges and concerns of the agriculture community – and society as a whole. To learn more about UPL’s sustainability leadership, click here.

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