Crop Nutrition

Microorganisms To Increase Nutrient Absorption by The Plant

08 December 2021, Spain: The use of microorganisms is a practical and necessary strategy to help overcome the challenges of intensive agriculture. Why? Microorganisms accomplish different duties which benefit plants.

Symbiotic microorganisms are characterized by the establishment of a direct link with the plant. Mycorrhizal fungi belong to this group, as there is an exchange of nutrients and water for carbon between the mycorrhizal fungus and the roots of the plants.

However, not all mycorrhizal fungi are the same: they do not have the same characteristics and, therefore, do not achieve the same results. The Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum strain efficiently increases the plant’s nutrient absorption.

Due to its exclusive characteristics, Glomus Iranicum produces unique results in the development of plants and crop production, one of which is the increase of nutrient and water absorption by the plant.

What characteristics enable glomus iranicum to increase the absorption of nutrients and water efficiently?

Abundant production of extramatrical mycelium. Transport of nutrients and water from the soil towards the plant takes place at the extramatrical mycelium network of the fungus. Abundant production of extramatrical mycelium ensures higher exploration of the soil and higher transport of nutrients and water.

External sporulation of the root. The spores of a mycorrhizal fungus produce a hypha which colonizes the plant, which is a way of reproducing. As they are outside of the root, there is no rupture in root continuity. Therefore, the plant uses less energetic cost, enabling it to maintain a continuous absorption of nutrients and water.

Depending on the crop and its conditions, Glomus Iranicum achieves an increase in the assimilation of different nutrients. For example, in tomatoes, in Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, and Boron, among others.

The most well-nourished and strongest plants produce more and better crops.

Better nutrient absorption, in addition to other actions of Glomus Iranicum in the plant, result in:

  • Increased production.
  • Better fruit quality and commercial sizes.
  • Higher productive regularity and yield homogeneity.
  • Improved plant condition against crop stressors.
  • Better physical, chemical, and microbiological properties of the soil.