Coromandel Fitsol Sugarcane Grade 1 & 2
20 April 2023, New Delhi: A 100% water-soluble developed for fertigation application in sugarcane for higher productivity in terms of quality and quantity.
Pack Size 25 Kg
- Crop-specific and stage specific grades for fertigation.
- FITSOL Sugarcane Grade 1 contains N:P:K:MgO:S -10:28:16:3:2 with Zn, B, Fe, Mn, Cu and FITSOL Sugarcane Grade 2 contains N:P:K:S – 12:00:38:2 with Mg, Zn, B, Fe, Cu, Mn.
- Easy to use – Supreme nutrient efficiency.
- Tailor made solution for Macro – Micronutrients.
- Designed with pH control mechanism.
- Unique solution centric product – supreme yield and better profit.
- Well-balanced NPK ration enriched with Magnesium and Sulphur improves cane quality (Quality juice with higher brix%)
- Its K-based product with nitrate form of Nitrogen, synergism helps in better uptake of Potash which helps in better sugar production.
- Helps in increasing number of tillers, cane thickness and internodal length.
- A balanced pH (4.5) allows better nutrient uptake even in alkaline soils.
- Non-volatile, easy to apply with no nitrogen losses to the atmosphere.
Stage Tillering: 36-100 DAP – GROMOR FITSOL Sugarcane 1 – 75 Kg/acre dose (7 Kg/week/ac)
Stage Grand Growth: 101-270 DAP – GROMOR FITSOL Sugarcane 2 – 100 Kg/acre dose (4.1 Kg/week/ac)
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