Crop Nutrition

Bayer launches biostimulant Ambition® in China

11 January 2022, Beijing: Bayer Crop Science announced the launch of Ambition® which is a crop supplement formulation with Amino acids & Fulvic acids for the China market.

Ambition® is Bayer’s first amino acid biostimulant launched in China.

The product promotes plant growth and stimulates photosynthesis. It increases fertility and fruit setting. It is also proven that amino acids facilitate penetration of nutrients in the plant system (chelating effect of glycine) and activate defense enzymes for increased tolerance to abiotic stress. Fulvic acids are powerful carriers of essential nutrients into the plant cells. They enhance the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes involved in plant tolerance to abiotic stress.

Ambition® is Bayer’s advanced crop supplement for enhancing crop efficiency. Ambition® helps crops reach their true potential by managing nutrient efficiency, improving plant defense mechanisms and enhancing crop performance.

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