Agriculture Industry

Virtual 30th Annual Group Meet of ICAR-AICRP on Palms concludes

25 November 2021, New Delhi: The “Virtual 30th Annual Group Meeting of All India Coordinated Research Project on Palms” organized by the ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod, Kerala from 22nd to 24th November, 2021 concluded today.

In his valedictory address, Dr. Anand Kumar Singh, Deputy Director General (Horticultural Science), ICAR emphasized on the need of developing the technology for intercropping in the Oil Palm Garden to enhance the farmers’ income.

Earlier, in his inaugural address, the Chief Guest, Dr. B.K. Pandey, ADG (Horticultural Science – II), ICAR envisaged the need for the collection, conservation and evaluation of the trait-specific germplasm devoid of duplicates, enhancing input use efficiency with special reference to micronutrients and identification of alternatives for red labelled chemicals towards hassle-free plant protection. The ADG also stressed on the demonstration of cutting-edge research technologies to the farm front through KVKs of the States and digitization of data for easy reference by the Scientists.

Delivering the welcome address, Dr. Anitha Karun, Director & Project Coordinator, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod presented the report of the ICAR-AICRP on Palms for the Year – 2020-2021.

About 72 participants from the different ICAR-AICRP Centres and ICAR-CPCRI virtually participated in the Meeting.