NICRA-TDC Project launched at Haramjanga – A Tribal Village of Drought-prone Tract in Purulia of West Bengal
17 March 2022, New Delhi: The ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata in association with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kalyan Purulia, West Bengal organized the Launching Programme of “NICRA-TDC Project at Haramjanga – A Tribal Village of Purulia, West Bengal” today.
Inaugurating the Custom Hiring Centre, Srimat Swami Shri Shivapradananda Maharaj, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapeeth, Purulia, West Bengal expressed his concerns for the farming community in the scenario of the changing climate.
Dr. S.K. Roy, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata, West Bengal underlined the usefulness of the NICRA-TDC Project in combating the climatic aberrations and its effects on the agricultural productivity by taking-up appropriate climate resilient technological interventions & successful implementation.
Earlier, Swami Shri Vaskarananda Ji Maharaj delivered the welcome address.
Around 350 Farmers, Farm Women, Extension Workers and School Children participated in the programme.