ICAR-CMFRI’s efforts to Popularize Cage Fish Farming win Recognition
31 March 2022, Kochi: Mr. P.M. Dinil Prasad from Kerala’s Kannur District was conferred the Prestigious “Thozhil Shreshta” Award of the Government of Kerala here today. Mr. Prasad received the Award from Mr. V Sivankutty, Minister of Labor, Government of Kerala. He was felicitated with Rs. 1 Lakh and a Certificate for his tremendous achievement in the Cage Fish Farming with the good harvest of Pearl Spot within a short span of Three and a Half Years.
By adopting the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, Kerala’s technology, Mr. Prasad has been undertaking the Cage Fish Farming since 2018.
While the ICAR-CMFRI introduced a Project funded by the National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad for setting-up 500 Cage Farming Units in Kerala in 2018, Mr. Prasad was the first to receive a Unit under the Project. With the Institute’s guidance, he launched the farming in Anjarakandi River in Kannur. Presently, he undertakes farming of 7,000 Pearl Spots in 7 Cages with a size of 4 Metres each width and length. At least 150 Kg of yield is expected from each Cage.
Along with cage fish farming, Mr. Prasad also runs a Seed Production Unit of Pearl Spot and Mussel Farming. In addition, he provides the Consultancy Services including the Cage Fabrication, Site Selection and Species Identification, etc., to those desiring to start the Cage Fish Farming. Around 75 Cage Culture Units were launched in many parts of the Malabar Region under Mr. Prasad’s Consultancy.
Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Director, ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi stated that the Cage Fish Farming is helping to increase the domestic fish production across the Coastal States of the country. Dr. Gopalakrishnan underlined the youngsters’ increasing interests in taking-up the Cage Fish Farming as their Entrepreneurial initiatives.